When it comes to eating the normal thing is that you look for the foods with better flavor and price and with easy accessibility. And possibly the current mass consumption market has led you to believe that large supermarkets are the answer to your needs. However, the food offered by local producers brings much more than the benefits you could imagine.

Local consumption refers to a sustainable system whichs is by far more responsible to society and the environment, since it is based on the community.

By taking into account a work scheme of a smaller scale than that of transnational companies, not only can the products be of better quality, but by not needing intermediaries, the same products are cheaper and the money goes directly to local producers . This in turn reactivates the economy and improves the quality of life of the residents of the area.

Benefits of buying local

  • The environment is grateful: local producers use less chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) so food is more natural. In the same way, the use of the soil is more responsible and factors that seem as simple as transporting food to reach your plate, are of less impact. Buying locally will make your carbon footprint smaller, something you can actually calculate through the Food Miles to understand the sustainability of the products in your pantry.

  • Takes care of your pocket: When saving on transportation, intermediaries and chemicals, the prices offered at a local fair are better than those you can find in a supermarket

  • Support small entrepreneurs: It is no secret that the economic issue becomes increasingly fragile. Consider that with your purchase, local producers can develop their businesses and achieve a better quality of life. A right we all have.

  • It encourages fellowship: an indirect benefit of buying from farmers at fairs is that friendships can be developed. In the modern world, social interactions are less frequent every day, and having an exposure with other people is very healthy.

How to consume responsibly?

Ideally, to adopt a sustainable consumption habit is to buy local and regional products, then national ones and as a last resource international

In addition, as a consumer, you have the right to demand to know about the origin of a product, its ingredients and the working conditions under which it was produced.

Awareness to consume local products contributes to a better balanced diet and to develop the country’s economy. Also helping to take care of the environment and contribute to endless factors that benefit us all.