Our client Raul Coto wrote this letter of gratitude to our Nativu Fincas advisor, Alfonso Sancho:

I hereby thank Mr. Alfonso Sancho Madriz, agent of the NATIVU company for his excellent help, support and follow-up, successfully making the sale at the end of July 2023.

I have known Mr. Sancho for several years and as soon as I contacted him and provided him with all the information about the property, he immediately set about promoting it. Much of the success was having knowledge about agriculture and this helps in selecting potential buyers for the property.

At all times, he facilitated the process so that the interested party could visit and thoroughly analyze the advantages and benefits that the property offered for their needs and the projects on which he would focus.

Therefore, it was very positive for me to be able to have advice and support throughout the process of selling my property.

Once again, thank you to Alfonso Sancho and the NATIVU Real Estate company for having managed to make the sale.

Raul Coto, Nativu Client

Grecia: Beth Maynard
Proceso de Escrow junto a Nativu Grecia