The power of a good personal presentation

“There is no second chance to make a good first impression.” This phrase is a reality that summarizes the importance of having an adequate personal presentation, especially in the workplace. Therefore, the following tips will be very useful.

When talking about personal presentation, not only clothing is considered, but also grooming and nonverbal language. Because together, all these elements, that seem to be imperceptible or small, actually say a lot about you.

The perception of people is constructed from mental processes that are not entirely conscious, that means that here are stimuli, that when interpreted by the brain, they build a generalized image of a person. It doesn’t mean that they are entirely correct, however, the first impression you make on someone will affect the rest of the interactions you may have with this person. So how can you make a good impression?

Dress for success

Clothing is a form of expression, that’s why there are so many styles and sometimes you may get lost among so many options. But, when presenting to a client, a potential employer or partner, or to a board, etc., ask yourself the following question:

If I were the client, how would I expect the other person to be dressed?

Putting yourself in the shoes of the other person is a good start, this exercise will give you inputs of what is appropriate and what is not. For example, you would like those people with whom you are going to conduct a business – or in the case of real estate, who are going to advise you to look for a house or an investment -, to show themselves with authority, credibility, sympathy, etc. .

Therefore, for you to reflect this on others, look in your wardrobe for clean, well-maintained clothes that look professional. In the case of women: a not very high heel or closed shoes, a blazer, long pants or a dress at the level of the knees. For men: polished shoes to wear, a jacket, button-down shirt …

There are currently many options that look more casual and can be more comfortable. It’s not about pretending to be someone else, or anything similar; It is a matter of combining your personal style with a professional look. Work attire isn’t boring, you can be creative with accessories and patterns, to show your own characteristics.

Facial Expressions

The tip for excellence in this topic is that: a smile is the best way to start a conversation. Smiling won’t cost you anything and reflects that your are someone cheerful, friendly, fun and reliable. It also creates a stress-free environment, which makes it easier to get along with someone you are meeting for the first time.

The eyes direction is also important, nobody likes to talk to someone who does not look at them in the eye, this rather says that the person has no interest in the conversation, is upset or bored. But maintaining eye contact is not only a plus, it is also a sign of respect for others.

Body language

Like expressions and clothing, the nonverbal language of our bodies generates many opinions in others. Some basic tips are:

  • Maintain an upright posture: this gives authority, if you bend over it seems like you’re sick, tired, disinterested, closed to ideas, etc.
  • Move your hands: having your hands with your palms up gives a feeling of calm and openness, if they are down it represents dominance. Also it is not advisable to point to others.

  • Don’t shake: these movements or even tics, denote nervousness and insecurity. It is best to avoid them.

A correct personal presentation will facilitate many social encounters, whether for your work or private life and it really isn’t something difficult to achieve. Just remember to stay true to your personal essence, do not try to make a false presentation of yourself, it is very easy to detect for others. Experiment until you find what best suits your personality.

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