It is no secret that one of Costa Rica’s greatest charms is its exuberant nature and biodiversity. The mountains, forests and beaches are world renowned destinations and among them, the province of Guanacaste stands out.

One of the biggest attractions in the area is surfing. Both foreign tourists and locals practice it competitively and as a hobby. The following is a list that may interest you, if you practice this discipline or if you are thinking about what your next vacation destination will be.

According to the Visit Costa Rica (Essential CR), Todo Surf and Go visit Costa Rica‘s websites, this is the top 5 of the best Guanacaste beaches that every surfer should visit:

Playa Guiones, Nosara

This beautiful beach has an area of ​​7km of clear sand and is characterized by a strong swell almost every day of the year, making it ideal for surfers of all levels.

One of its advantages is that, apart from the beautiful landscape it offers, you will find all the necessary services to practice this sport: rental of boards, surfcamps, surf workshops, instructors, etc.

It is also important to emphasize, that this beach has the ecological Blue Flag, which certifies it as a clean and responsible place with the environment. As a complement to surfing, people can also go horseback riding, practice yoga, visit the Ostional Wildlife Refuge, among many other activities.

Roca Bruja, Naranjo

In the northern sector of the province, within the Santa Rosa National Park, is this little visited beach, surrounded by dry forest.

This beach is ideal for those who prefer to get away from the crowds and seek to connect with nature. Since it is inside the national park, there are no hotels but you can camp in the area. In this way you can better appreciate the flora and fauna of the area.

It is recommended to visit it between December and March, when the waves are better.


This destination is more recommended for experienced surfers, since the swell is quite strong, it is considered a word class level spot. You can enjoy turquoise waters and white sand.


This is probably one of the best known beaches on the Pacific coast of the country, not only does it have a variety of beachfront hotels, it also has a pleasant nightlife and is a luxury spot for surfing.

Because of its central location and proximity to Daniel Oduber Airport, it is also a good point to move to Roca Bruja and Playa Negra. It offers good waves all year round and is not a dangerous beach for those who are starting

Playa Negra

As the name says, this beach is characterized by very dark sand, but clean waters and perfect for surfing. It is advisable to visit it at high tide, since at low tide rock structures are exposed that can be dangerous. At 1km away, you will find the Pargos neighborhood where you can enjoy restaurants / bars, cabins, boutiques and other amenities.

It is clear that Guanacaste has many more beaches, wooded areas, towns and nature reserves that are worth visiting, and its people are very lively and will make you feel better than at home. But in terms of surfing, these locations are a must. What are you waiting to visit them?