As Costa Rican citizens, it is important to be aware of the legal decrees that are in force in the country, to know, not only on what programs the government focuses its efforts and resources, but also to understand how they can influence daily life.
One of them is the project called “Plan of the Great Metropolitan Area 2013 – 2030“, which is a work in conjunction with the Planning Department, the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements (MIVAH) and the Technological Institute (TEC), which proposes a better urban planning, in the central region. It entered into force on April 30, 2014, through Decree No. 38145 and is intended to extend until 2030.
The goal is that through cartographic, socio-economic, environmental, agro-productive and urban studies, the government will propose changes on infrastructure. So that consequently, a better quality of life and competitiveness in the productive sector of the country can be reflected.
How does the project start?
The GAM Plan 13 -30 is initially proposed as the update of the 1982 GAM Plan, given that since then the urban structure of the region has been radically modified, resulting in the need for a new planning of the space, in order to supply not only the needs of citizens and their growing demands, but also environmental regulations.
Some of the topics that makeup the Plan are:
- Strengthening of public transport
- Efficient soil consumption
- Sustainable building
What is sought, is to reach a balance between the natural environment and urban growth, in order to make smarter, more sustainable investments and at the same time improve the physical and mental health of citizens. You may often hear complaints about the landscape, about the perception of a lack of ordering in the headwaters of our cities, etc. That is why projects such as the GAM 13-30 Plan work to change this situation.
You can go deeper into the topic with the following video by Extra TV