Just like your body, as time transitions into adulthood, your housing needs will also be transformed. And it is essential that you know how to prepare, in order to fully enjoy this new stage. Even these tips can be very helpful if you live with an older adult in your home.

Social Contact

It is usual that when the children achieve their economic independence, they move and form their own families and the parents become somewhat lonely. This can happen among the elderly, which can even influence the development of depressive symptoms!

Having an active social life is basic for integral health (…) The presence of a single friend is enough to have enriching social relationships that powerfully influence the physical and psychologically.

Claudia Dechent – Neuropsychologist at Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile´s Geriatrics Service unit

It is for this reason that it is highly advisable for gold citizens to be surrounded by family members or other people in their age range. Focused on the type of housing, we can talk about “Coliving” projects or houses in condominiums. Since they not only provide security but also the option of living with other people and being more active.

As for the size, houses with one or two rooms are recommended, so that they have space, can receive visitors and have an easy house maintenance.

Remember that, beyond being a nice detail, living with, nearby, or regularly visiting your parents / grandparents / uncle grandparents, etc., will give them a better life quality. Both physically and psychologically.


However, when considering the physical characteristics that should be met by any house where an older adult lives, we consider that the following are vital:

  • Single-storey houses: when you get older, mobility is less agile, so avoiding going up and down stairs is the best. Or, if the house has them, make sure they are not of a slippery material, that when they are cleaned they are left dried and that they have a solid railing.
The Casita Zen in Huacas, Guanacaste is a good example of a one-story housing design with comfortable spaces
  • Security Systems: it is very important that every home in general has fire alarm and an anti-theft system. Especially for the elderly, these systems must have a good volume.
  • Railings: these are the allies of older adults, to allow them to move comfortably and safely, especially in rooms such as bathrooms, to avoid accidents. There are even shower seats, which are very useful in terms of support.
  • Smart kitchens: there are white line items for the kitchen that protect this population, since it is common to forget to have left a stove on, etc. And these systems can be programmed to shut down after a certain time. Avoiding wasting current and, even more, a serious incident.

Enjoy your retirement!

Finally, when entering this stage you can also “treat yourself” and consider investing in a house outside the city. In fact, many retired couples choose Costa Rica as a destination to settle in their old age and enjoy nature and peace.

Casa Juliette, Guanacaste

Thinking about the future never hurts. And although there are always changes in the housing models that adapt to each stage of life, the objective is to enjoy each of them in the best way.