The efficient use of money can become a bit difficult act many times. As in NATIVU we believe in investing our resources wisely time, energy or money; We took on the task of looking for 5 apps that make it easy to order the expenses that are had both at home and in business.
Money Wiz
This is a very versatile and complete app, it has the ability to carry out the control of several bank accounts from the same place. MoneyWiz It has the ability to monitor both income and expenses of the various accounts.
In it you can schedule fixed expenses such as water, electricity, Netflix, loans and among others. MoneyWiz also generates account statement reports in the form of securities and graphically, this to warn you things are not going very well. You cpuld find moneywiz in: Appstore, Googleplay y Windows.
Fintonic it is an app that focuses on identifying expenses and seeks to group them, in order to facilitate the user’s analysis. This application generates spending patterns, generating an advance of what will be spent and what will be spent in the following period.
It has the facility of alerting of commission charges, card expiration, duplicate movements and many more. It is available in Appstore and Googleplay.
Another application used and very well scored is Mint. Not only is it able to generate budgets and maintain a balance of income and expenses, but it also has the capacity to suggest expenses that could be cut.
Mint, is able to connect with different banks and generates alerts for upcoming payments. This is available in applestore y googleplay.
Toshl Finance
Toshl Finance, seeks to facilitate control of the flow of money by concentrating on a single app. Its purpose is to generate a healthy environment of personal finances. To achieve this, at the beginning of its use it requests to generate an emergency fund to guarantee liquidity at the end of the period or the savings necessary to reach a goal.
Like the others, Toshl Finance Categorize expenses manually or automatically and thus detect in which you spent the most money. Also, you can schedule fixed expenses that will be generated for all periods.
Checkbook HD
ChechbookHD, allows us to manage unlimited bank accounts and have an updated bank report, through an OFX file. This app will help you keep your account data protected, using a pin code.
Also, Checkbook HD is able to generate reports graphically to facilitate the analysis of the state of finance.