Asociación Playa Grande Sostenible (APGS) is as a non-profit org, created in response to growing concerns in the community. Fueled by residents’ passion the APGS strives to boost sustainability while maintaining the balance between human progress and environmental preservation.

The board, voluntarily oversees and supports local efforts. APGS drives projects for sustainability, fostering the vital harmony between development and ecological conservation. This approach addresses the urgent call for local security effectively.

Development +Well-being + Conservation:

From enhancing the local public school to certified eco-friendly construction projects and biodiversity conservation, APGS is a vital force in this sustainable and united community.

APGS & Projects

  • Education: Collaborating with the public school in Playa Grande, they enhanced the school infrastructure and employed teachers to provide quality education. They also enabled the integration of educational programs, including the “Tierra de Niños y Niñas” program in partnership with ANIA Org.

  • The Children’s Park: A safe and open space for the little ones in the community to play and connect with the nature.

  • Sidewalks and Bike Lane: Along the main road, providing secure infrastructure for the local community.

  • Environmental Impact Certification: By obtaining this certification, construction companies meet some requirements that minimize the environmental impact of their projects.

  • 1% Fund: Encourages companies to add a 1% contribution to their services, raising funds dedicated to community initiatives.

  • Cortina Verde Program:  Safeguards the dune as a nesting site for sea turtles and serves as a biological corridor for various coastal species. Collaborating with SINAC and ADE Ambiente, it aims to preserve and restore this ecosystem.

  • Private Security Program: Motorized officers provide immediate assistance to subscribed residents, complementing the efforts of Costa Rica’s public law enforcement.

Founding this association was a deeply personal decision for me. With cherished memories of growing up in Playa Grande, my aspiration is for the upcoming generations to experience what I did – the joy of nature and security in this remarkable area of Guanacaste.

brooks wilson Asociación Playa Grande Sostenible Guanacaste Brooks Wilson , APGS President

The unwavering passion and dedication of the APGS  have left a positive impact on both the community and the natural environment of te area.

If you’re eager to join this community-driven movement to preserve and safeguard Playa Grande, the PGSA warmly invites you to contribute to their initiatives with your time or skills. Alternatively, you can also make donations through their website.

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