The study of neuroscience applied to real estate marketing, has brought an avant-garde and highly efficient methodology. Now not only market analyzes are taken into account, to know who to sell and for how much. But the field of psychology has complemented the world of business and allows us to better understand the real needs and desires of clients.

For all real estate agents it is important to understand their potential clients, what they think about the property and how they react to information and advertising stimuli, referring to it, etc. It is for this reason that being aware of this issue is extremely relevant.

So, you may ask “how can I apply neuromarketing to daily trading negotiations?”. Below you can read some inputs that will introduce you to this new field:

Visual attraction

Within neuroscience it has been discovered that people react differently to various perceptual stimuli: hearing, vision, smell, etc. And there are styles of language, teaching and persuasion aimed at each specific type

However, it has been shown that visual stimuli are usually easier to capture and process. The human brain can process an entire image in just 13 thousandths of a second! That is why when looking for a real estate, people are usually very interested in the appearance of the place. It all comes down to  a convincing presentation, so learning to take pictures of a property will result in a good business.

Perceptive and Persuasive Communication

According to the expert in Marketing and Real Estate Sales, Carlos Pérez-Newman, communication is vital for this type of dynamics. In the neuroscientific field, it is called NeuroLinguistic Programming. However, in order not to enter into technicalities and advanced levels of the study, we will summarize the key points for real estate:

  • Listen to your client:

You have to create a bond with the person, so that the can trust your criteria, regarding a house or premises. It is important to study the context of the client, because sometimes what he / she says they want, is not what best suits their needs.

Reflecting their posture, gestures and even the words you use, will generate greater customer comfort, making them more open to sales proposals.

The message that you should use to reach your potential client has to be personal, flexible, attractive and profitable for that particular person.

Carlos Pérez-Newman, expert in Real Estate Marketing
  • ¿Emotion or reason?

Each head is a world and for this reason, there will be those who respond best to hard data – interpretable by reason – and those who react more to emotions and intuition. However, in the world of sales, despite needing a combination of both techniques, it is recommended to appeal to emotions first.

It is more likely that someone is interested in acquiring a good, after being personally involved. As a real estate consultant, this is achieved by making the person imagine positive scenarios, for example: how would be the family Christmas dinner be in the dining room of that house, the party of their children in the courtyard, the sunset view on the balcony, etc.

  • Think positively

Many of our actions, such as breathing, blinking, smiling, etc., tend to be unconscious, the body already does it automatically. This same principle can be applied to thoughts, if trained.

According to Pérez-Newman, it is possible to improve the quality of thoughts and therefore our behavior. Through constant dialogues with yourself, where you confirm that: “today is a good day”, “I am a capable and intelligent person”, “I enjoy my work”, etc.

It seems to be something simple and small, but it is a good practice, not only for business, but  for life in general. In addition to motivating yourself, it is a vibe that spreads to others.

The subject is very extensive, as well as interesting and worth investigating in greater depth. There is no doubt that Real Estate Neuromarketing has become a new discipline, important to provide a more efficient and profitable service.