If you are thinking of building your house, or developing some other type of construction on your lot, it is important that you know the best way to dispose of excreta and greywater. Through the years humans have improved the way we dispose of our excreta. Initially they were available in the “open sky”, but this produced a very bad smell and allowed bacteria to spread. Later, latrines began to be used. Little by little, new systems were invented such as the septic tank (TS) and the sewers or sewers. And finally, now the sanitary sewer with treatment is used more.
What is a Septic Tank?

This is a type of tank that is used for the disposal of domestic wastewater. It is usually a rectangular box that can have one or more compartments that is installed underground. The excreta reaches it through siphoned latrines that discharge directly into the tank. The purpose of this tank is to recycle greywater and excreta to eliminate sedimentable solid waste from it in a process that can last one or 3 days.
This liquid has high concentrations of organic matter that can be dangerous, therefore it cannot be disposed of lightly. It should always be transported to processing fields by specialized trucks. Other precautions to consider are: (a) the septic tanks must be airtight, durable and resistant (b) must have covers for inspection and drain (c) must have a vent tube so that the gases that are produced inside the tank can safely exit.
- Suitable for any type of construction – For example: houses, apartment buildings, hospitals, hotels, etc.
- Does not require frequent cleaning
- Low constructing and operating cost
- Minimum degree of difficulty in operation and maintenance – if there is a system for removing residual solid sediments.
- Maximum limit of 350 people – using the largest tank, but this depends on what is available.
- Requires system or facilities for sludge removal – these would be the residual solids after filtration of gray water and excreta.
- Limited use depending on the filtration capacity of the built land
In conclusion we want to advise you that if you decide to use a septic tank for its construction, install it with a professional. For such an important part of a home, such as waste disposal, you can’t cut corners and try to do something wrong. This is why we advise you not to take risks and seek help from professionals. Since this would be the best way to invest wisely – and live happily!