Some time ago, an automated house was a matter of imagination or cartoons, like supersonic ones. However, technology has gained prominence in our day-to-day life and was expected to reach home.  

An intelligent house is a building that has automated systems to provide security, comfort and savings. The main objective of a smart home is to simplify daily tasks and provide comfort to the home user.  

Home automation is not something new, it is used from remote controls in its most common use or security cameras. But, this is not the relevant thing, but the characteristics that can facilitate daily tasks.  



A home automation lighting system has the following 3 capabilities usually:

  • Comfort: It is extremely important to have adequate limitation, depending on the activity that is done, whether studying, or watching a movie are two activities that require different lighting. Home automation systems give the user the ability to modify the ambient light through a mobile application. These applications allow you to control the hue and intensity of the lighting.
  • Security: In the same way that the intensity of the lighting can be controlled remotely, they can be turned on to simulate that there is someone in the house. Otherwise, they could be programmed to follow a schedule.
  • Saving: It is common, due to the short time, to leave a light on or a connected system consuming electricity. These home automation systems, allow you to turn off the light remotely or disconnect the appliance, thus reducing possible risks and electricity consumption. On the other hand, the intelligent faucet system is also a strong commitment in the market that seeks to help the user detect leaks and control water consumption in a better way. On the other hand they can be applied in automated irrigation systems.
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An interface, is the electronic system that communicates the different components of a system with the operator or user. There are a variety of interfaces that can help the user turn their home into a smart home. There are such as those that must be installed as it is preferably built up to those that serve to adapt the home to new technology.

Companies such as: Sistemas Inteligentes y Desarrollos S.A. ; spacelogixcr and, e-cotisa are responsible for installing home automation systems such as those mentioned previously.

On the other hand, there are offers of home automation systems that take advantage of the private internet network to connect the different devices that are required. These systems can be used without the need for a technician, one of these systems are: Echo de amazon and, apple home kit.

Echo (Amazon)

Amazon’s “Echo” products are portable speakers that have multiple capabilities. Amazon equipped its various “echo” devices, to interconnect via bluetooth to other devices such as lights, power sockets and even curtains capable of making the connection.

Apple home kit

Unlike its competitor, apple homekit are several devices capable of connecting to the cell phone through the “Home” application on IOS devices. Apple home kit allows, allows to control audio systems, television, ventilation, air purification and many more.

Technology advances by leaps and bounds and it is easy to fall behind and lose its benefits, so it is important to be in constant discovery. In this way to achieve the purposes of life in the best way.