Renewable energies in Costa Rica generate almost all of the energy used in the country. This has been achieved through different methods because the country holds the necessary conditions to generate it. There are different types of renewable energies, an in this article, we are going to tell you about solar power for self-consumption and how to include it in your property with solar panels.

The sun provides enough energy to supply the entire planet. However, it cannot do it directly, and for this, the solar panels work like a tool to convert solar energy into functioning electrical power.

Solar Energy for Self-consumption

Solar energy is one of the most constant renewable energies in the country, therefore it is a resource with great potential. In Costa Rica, thanks to the Reglamento Generación Distribuida para Autoconsumo con Fuentes Renovables, (Law for the Promotion and Regulation of Distributed Energy Resources from Renewable Sources) people can choose to generate their energy to supply themselves and have the opportunity to sell the excess.

One of the most recommended options to do this is the solar energy, due to its costs and the suitable environment that the country has to obtain power through solar panels. Currently, there are several companies dedicated to the sale of solar panels in the country, so the market has many options for their purchase and installation.


Solar Energy for Homes

Solar energy is functional for homes of different sizes, as long as they have the necessary bases for solar panel installation.

It is a great measure for families who are looking for an alternative to lower their electricity costs and are in a favorable economic position to invest.

Solar Energy for Small and Medium Businesses

In addition to homes, owners of small or medium-sized businesses can also take into account the use of solar energy to save on electricity. Solar panels can be placed in businesses and if placed at strategic points to made known to the public, it can help the image of the premises, mainly on social media.

Long-term investment

Despite installation costs, this represents a significant saving for the consumer. According to the University of Costa Rica, it is estimated that annual economic savings for electrical costs could be up to 70% for a family of five. Thus, in the medium term, the initial cost would be recovered. Thanks to this renewable energy, savings would be assured for the lifetime of the panels, which is at least 20 years. 

Most affordable energy

Solar energy is the most accessible for homes or premises. Solar panels can be easily purchased in the country. While other renewable energies require more infrastructure and space, and therefore more investment. In addition, it all depends on climate and location. There are areas of the country where the use of solar energy is much higher than in others.

National support

 Solar panels and other components such as solar water heaters are exempt from VAT in the country. In addition, several banks offer favorable conditions for sustainable projects through “green loans“.  The interest on these loans can be tax-deductible for companies.  The most popular banks are Banco Promerica and BAC, with their Green Credit Programs.

Sustainable combination

The use of solar panels can be implemented with other options such as a solar water heater through thermal energy. The hot water would be distributed to the areas of the house where it is needed, such as the shower, hand washers, and dishwashers, saving gas and energy. These heaters are available throughout the country. Several solar panel companies have them in their catalog.

How do solar panels work?

If you are thinking of implementing solar panels in your home, it is important to understand how solar energy works. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, which are composed of semiconductor materials such as silicon. Through these, light is separated into electrons and forms a positive and a negative layer, thus generating, thanks to the difference in charges, an electric current.

This electrical energy is transformed, through a solar inverter, into alternating current so that it can be used and distributed throughout the home. What happens to the excess energy will depend on your decision and if you are still connected to the national power grid when installing the panels. These surpluses can be distributed to the national power grid, in exchange for credits on the electricity bill. But nowadays there is also the option of storing the energy in batteries to be used at night or at times when there is no sunlight.

Renewable Energy and the Environment

When understanding the economic and personal advantages of self-consumption, one should not forget the main reason behind the use of renewable energies. It is all part of the fight against climate change, energy through clean sources allows limiting the harmful effects on the environment. Allowing the country, as well as the individual or household, to help reduce the carbon footprint for the future. By having the opportunity to decrease the energy dependence of businesses and homes, there can be a greater awareness and understanding of the positive effect of using renewable energy.

If you would like to implement solar energy on your property, as a way to save money and help the country’s ecological efforts, do not hesitate to contact our consultants for more information.