Although it seems one more step of the process, this point is very important because it is where you know multiple details of the property that justify much of the cost of sale.

What information should I know about the property?

There is information that is usually the basic to know of a property such as size of lot, meters of construction of the property, year of construction, among others.

Here we share a list of points you should know about the house to sell that will facilitate the work for both Realtors and the seller:

Basic information

Lot size and construction: This information is essential because it allows to know the dimension of the good that is being offered.

Distribution Information: In this part we seek to know the information of number of rooms, bathrooms, patio, parking area, rooms, kitchen, swimming pool (on the property), service room, laundry area, balcony, number of floors, among others.

Area: This information is basic but it is important to communicate it because it is one of the first filters that a person does when it comes to doing a property search. Here you can also talk about what is nearby as types of schools, malls, businesses, or anything that may be of interest to a prospective buyer


Residential: If the property is located in a residential it is good to communicate what type of amenities the residencial has, such as swimming pool, views to which place, gym, play area, bar, BBQ, workspaces, meeting room, if you have dog areas, if Allow pets or not, anything that increases the interest of a customer.

If the property is located in a residential it is good to communicate what type of amenities the residencial has, such as swimming pool, views to the city or mountain or even the sea, gym, play area, bar, BBQ, workspaces, meeting room, if you have Areas for dogs, whether they allow pets or not, anything that increases the interest of a customer.

House: If the house is not in residential, you should think about the advantages of living there for example if it is central, if you have parks nearby, or even if the house has a BBQ area, some patio with garden, a Jacuzzi, etc.


In this part becomes a more detailed work, as it should deepen to know the different materials that are made things, in addition to the brands, for example kitchen envelopes, brand faucets, floors, aluminium windows, which type of woods , and every detail that you add to achieve better explain how the property is created.


Land use: Other information that is important is to know the land use of the property, for example if you have a residential, commercial or mixed land use.

Map: It is good to always have a copy of the cadastral map (mapa catastro), it is important to know more detailed information about the property.

Companies, mortgages and restrictions: This data is of paramount importance, because at some point in the process of selling the property this will appear, then know if you find a mortgage, if the house/Lot is in a company, or even if there is a restriction of the same as that is and Ncuentre in a protected area, etc.

Exclusivity: This is a fact that should be communicated to real estate agents, whether the house is being represented by various agents or brokers or if there is some exclusivity with any of them.

With all this information is already on hand a base that allows to put it to “live” in different ways such as in a website, in printed material, to use it for networks, among others.