The beautiful tree Roble Sabana is the symbol of the canton of Santa Ana, in which blooms in the months of January to April. Its distinctive pink color is noted through the streets of San Jose. Its scientific name corresponds to Tabebuia rosea and can reach up to 30 meters high according to the species database of the National Institute of Biodiversity. This species can be found in the Pacific region; however, they can be seen on both sides of the country. The conservation areas where we can locate them in Costa Rica are in Amistad Pacífico, Huetar Norte, Arenal, Guanacaste, Osa, Central Pacific and also Tempisque.

A curious fact is the way they grow. The seeds of this tree are scattered with the wind because they are very light, winged, with asymmetric and irregular wings. They germinate easily, quickly and without any problem. The oak Sabana is not only an ornamental tree. Its blond wood is used for construction, furniture and veneers.

Imagine your house full of Oak Tree Sabana!