Have you ever though on how you manage your time? There always will be opportunities to get better, this spaces allows you to grow not only as professional but as wholesome personas as well. Productivity is key for every professional and real estate agents are not excluded.

Each person is responsable of the way it manage resources in order to accomplished different goals. Productivity can be defined as the relation between expected results and th time consumed to achieve them. The lower the time used, the higher the productivity level,

In order to change the results you are having, first you need to comprehend and change the paradigmas where habits, attitudes and actions flow.

Isabel Aranda, psychology doctor expert in coaching.

Time management and personal productivity

It is common to mislead that the way you manage your time, refers to personal productivity, but they are not the same. It is wrong to think that you can run time because everyone has 24 hours a dar, what you can really do is to manage your concentration level, in other words – productivity.

This included a lot of things such as an order of priorities and choosing what to do at what specific time of the day. The way you distribute your level of attention and energy in different tasks, makes reference to how productive you really are.

Productivity tips

  • Daily tasks

Go step by step, a workday can become a little bit overwhelming, that is why you need to make a plan. A real estate agent must concentrate in small detail and defining short or long term goals, come in handy.

Planning the day the night before, can save you a lot of time which you can use in different ways. Making a checklist with your daily tasks, is a small yet very effective practice.

  • Get rid of distractions

It is very easy to waste time on small things. One of them can be checking your phone constantly for no working reasons. Even though the internet and social media are very powerful tools, they can become a disadvantage.

  • Focus on whats important

A real estate agent is very likely to waste a lot of time on clients that at the end of the day, bring no benefits. it is important to analyze the things that really work for you. When time and energy are put into worthy tasks, they can be easily developed and it will bring a lot of benefits.

This is not a synonym for loosing time, the body and mind need paused to recharge. When it comes to planning your day, leave small breaks between tasks. It is better to make a quality work than doing a lot but no to 100%.

According to Draugiem Group study, people with long workdays, could not achieve their tasks due to fatigue. On the other hand, those who have more flexible schedules, have more productivity.

Workdays can become overwhelming, that is why you need to ask yourself, what habits truly benefit me? it is key to be a good professional. This productivity tips are very helpful not only for developing better at work but for your personal life as well.