The first thing that is seen at first sight in a small home is its composition, decoration, colors and lighting. Furniture is essential in human life since these are designed to create comfortable spaces, which become part of people’s daily lives.
The concerns of remodeling and appreciating the favorite corners of homes are characteristics that will never go out of style, but it often happens that the concept of minimalism (less, is more) is not applied in the best way and spaces are increasingly seen More smalls.
According to Pia Capdevila, leader of interior design and events in Spain, the key to establishing comfortable corners in the home is based on the location of the light, in this way each piece of the house will become a special place.
Get to know five effective tips that Capdevilla puts into practice when designing:
Predominance of the white color
Being a very luminous color it reflects light and generates a feeling of spaciousness, this does not mean that all the furniture and walls are going to be of the same color, but rather that the monochrome models are carried out correctly.
Choose the correct polish in floors

The trick is to use “reflective” finishes so that the floor will be visually enlarged, such as satin paint, which reflects light and makes the space look wider.
Know your needs well
According to Capdevilla, the most important thing to take advantage of the space is to know what needs and intentions there are to live in that place. Later you can work analyzing the objectives of the ideal place.
Depending on the other components (floor, walls, decoration, etc.) the furniture part is essential so that the home does not look “crowded”, that is why neutral and light colors are key in small floors. Currently there are many folding furniture options where a 2×1 saves the proportion of the space.
Various styles can be applied depending on the taste of each person, always taking into account that a recharged place does not generate much comfort. In this part of the journey, the interesting thing is to keep a balance. For example, if the style of the person is modern, a long lamp and a mini chair could be the perfect bet for that corner of the room.
Usually when acquiring a new home the most important thing is that peace and tranquility is transmitted, since it is the place where most of the energy is consumed.
If the apartment or house has little space to take measurements, buy simple furniture and highlight the bright corners that can create those spaces that are so desired.