The first few months of 2020 have been very inusual and the market behavior es getting affected by that. Even though it is a moment of uncertainty, the consequences are not completely bad.
When it comes to Real Estate in Guanacaste, the next few months represent a series of changes and the advisor Fabricio Riggioni talks about this topic.
What is expected for the rest of 2020?
Uncertainty is a current state for most of the people right now and not only nationally but globally as well. Who where about to invest in real estate, either buying or selling, are caught in a observation process waiting for a clearer vision.
After this period of time, the direction of the economy will be known. There are some scenarios and it is possible that prices will decrease for lots, condominiums and lots, as well as for construction.
For the end of 2020, tourism is expected to grow progressively but slowly. This is why, long term rents will be predominant and the strategies must change in order to adapt to the market.

Even though this year has brought a lot of changes, there could be a lot of opportunities as well. If your are interested in knowing more about the real estate market projection in Guanacaste, do not doubt on contacting the Nativu Guanacaste advisor, Fabricio Riggioni.