An essential part of Nativu’s leadership effort is to provide you with clear and truthful information about relevant issues in your community and what better example than being active in our cantons through municipal elections in Costa Rica!

Informarse a conciencia y participar con su voto en las siguientes elecciones es muy importante, su voz vale mucho y hacerla escuchar es tanto un derecho como un deber. A continuación se despejarán las principales cuestiones respecto al tema, con el fin de que usted pueda ejercer un voto informado y continuar disfrutando de su comunidad.

What are the municipal elections and when will they be?

The Costa Rican municipal elections are those where the representatives in each canton will be elected for the positions of mayors, vice mayors, governors, trade unions, intendancies and other municipal offices.

Voting will take place on Sunday, February 2, 2020, from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, so you will have plenty of time to vote with confidence.

How can I know the place to vote?  

Supreme Electoral Court, Costa Rica  

To find out which voting center you are in, you can visit the SCE’s “consultation where to vote” website, or by sending a text message to 1020, and when entering your ID number, the system will automatically indicate the location respective.

Attending is very important, since through these votes 6,138 positions will be chosen, throughout the country! These people will have a great impact on the activities, projects and facilities that will be developed near your home. For this reason, making this decision should not be lightly.  

Frequently asked questions about municipal voting  

We invite you to evacuate any questions you may have, through the official website of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. However, below you can find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the 2020 municipal elections.

Who can vote?

Costa Ricans over 18 years of age who are duly registered in the respective vote-receiving board may vote.

How can I vote?

  • First, find your name on the list of voters placed outside the voting board where you vote, there you will find the “number of voter” that corresponds.  
  • Enter the precinct, turn in your ID and communicate your voter number to be placed on the register, then sign the Register.
  • Remember that if you need support or you accompany another person who requires it, you can request magnifying glass, pictographic cards, braille ballot templates, etc.  
  • Once the ballots are delivered to you, go to the secret precinct to vote, marking with an “X” the box of your choice.  
  • Finally, fold the ballots one by one and deposit them at the respective ballot boxes.

Can Costa Rican citizens residing abroad vote?

In the case of municipal elections, Costa Rican citizens living abroad cannot vote.

Is it possible to vote with the expired identity card?

In fact it is possible, as long as its expiration date on the day of the election does not have more than one year of expiration.

Information by canton of the municipal elections Costa Rica 2020  

However, to provide relevant information to the applicants and parties of each of the municipalities, in Nativu areas, you can enter to the following articles of interest:  

  • Escazú: Escazú, Santa Ana, San José
  • Moravia: Moravia, Tibás, Guadalupe, Coronado
  • Guanacaste: Carrillo, La Cruz, Sta. Cruz, Nicoya, Liberia
  • Cartago: Cartago, La Unión, Paraíso, Turrialba

Live actively these municipal elections, to start seeing and experiencing the progress of Costa Rica from each of our cantons.