
Invest in Cartago!

Cartago is a very good investment opportunity for anyone who wants to take it. The market is highly demanding and the supply [...]

Invest in Cartago!2021-03-04T09:24:58-06:00

Property valuation: all you need to know

El avalúo inmobiliario es un paso muy importante en el proceso de venta y compra de una propiedad. Es la manera formal de determinar el valor real de un inmueble. Toma en cuenta distintos factores, desde la localización hasta las características físicas.

Property valuation: all you need to know2020-11-05T15:40:17-06:00

Real Estate Cap Rate

When investing in a premises, a house or an apartment, it is important to know the different tools that can indicate which property [...]

Real Estate Cap Rate2023-01-18T17:12:49-06:00
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