The market is evolving and dynamic, trends keep changing and it is important to keep up with it. Developing creative strategies in real estate is a way of thinking outside the box to give a better experience for your clients.
An important part of every brand is to know how to project themselves, it does not matter if it is personal or corporative. This process can make you feel limited and blocked of new ideas, but you need to keep in mind that the content must be relevant and valuable to people.
It is imposible to ignore the current era, even though there are creative communication strategies in different media, digital tools are the most easy to use.
A creative way to organize your strategies is by doing them for each day of the week and this are five easy examples you can use.
Mailing Mondays

Even though this has been used for a long time, mailing is a great branding method. Tt can become tedious for your clients, so it is important to do it with measure and with relevant content.
It is not necessary to send a mail to all of your contacts at once, try to alternate them for weeks and that way you can avoid spam. At the same time, be innovative to make your clients wait for that email each week.
Webinar Tuesdays
This is the best way to grow your personal brand. One of the most appealing content is audiovisual material, it is not necessary to do live stream every week, you can post some kind of video or podcast as well to make it more entertaining.
Make sure the topic is actual and relevant, it is important to choose topics that you feel comfortable about and can be relevant for your target. Another alternative is to ask professionals from different areas to be part of it and expand the topic range.
Testimonial Wednesdays
What better way to promote your services than through real client experiences? This is a great way to acquire visibility and proessionsalism.
Occasionally real experiences are mor effective than paid publicity. Post your clients reviews and if you want to make it more appealing, reach out to the ones that are willing to participate on a video/interview.
Feedback Thursdays
There is always a chance to get better and this is a great way to give our clients the space to make constructive criticism. Mistakes are made occasionally and people not often find the right time do express it, even though the majority of the service was high quality, small details are going to help you to growth as a professional and develop stronger relationships with your clients.
Thank you Fridays
This is space to give back a little bit of that trust your clients have on you. Not only is a great strategy to build preference ties, but it keep you aware of who your clients are.
This is a great opportunity to remind those people that have not ask for your services recently, that you are present and willing to help them. You can do it via email, or with virtual personalized cards and this is how you create clients for life.

Developing creative strategies does not require big monetary investments, being a little bit more creative and innovative is what really keeps you relevant in the market.