For Nativu, selecting the right community partners is of utmost importance. The Real Estate landscape in Costa Rica is constantly evolving and can be intricate, making it crucial to choose the correct legal advisor. A legal advisor who is efficient and experienced is an absolute necessity.

However, at Nativu, we strongly believe in finding balance and recognize that true success stems from genuine relationships. LegalShe embodies a powerful and authentic vision of the kind of law firm they aspire to be: focused, delivering quality services, and simultaneously mindful of their impact on their surroundings.

Legal She revolutionized the legal industry by establishing a purpose-driven firm dedicated to fostering a healthy and inclusive work culture with a harmonious work-life balance. Moreover, Legal She strives to promote female leadership within the legal industry, aiming to make a positive impact on our communities. This unwavering commitment sets LegalShe apart from traditional law firms.

As a mother, I have come to appreciate the value of achieving balance in all aspects of our lives. Their flexible work arrangements attract individuals who desire a healthy and relaxed lifestyle while still delivering exceptional results in their professional endeavors.

Legal advice and expertise

When it comes to legal advice and expertise, LegalShe possesses extensive experience in foreign investment and real estate development. They have successfully assisted numerous clients in acquiring, developing, and operating their businesses in Costa Rica, all while fostering positive relationships with the community and local governments.

Additionally, a percentage of their legal fees is allocated to organizations promoting equity and inclusion in Costa Rica, supporting local initiatives and organizations in Santa Teresa, San Jose, and Guanacaste. It is important to note that LegalShe aims to create spaces where equality and leadership in the industry are encouraged, rather than exclusively catering to women.
With offices in San José and Santa Teresa and plans to open a third office in Playa Grande, they provide services throughout the country.

It is an honor to welcome people from all around the world and to be an ally for safe investment and sustainable development.

We are committed to supporting our clients efficiently and to providing our team with the flexibility to thrive while enjoying the great quality of life Costa Rica has to offer.

Legal She and  Nativu Santa Teresa office are committed partners, striving to provide the finest real estate advisory services in the area.