The famous phrase “the only constant is change,” applies to everything in life – even to the condominium lifestyle. To the rhythm of the current times, Costa Ricans have witnessed variations in their lifestyle. Those who lived in the neighborhoods with yards larger than the house, perimeter free of bars, fruit trees and bicycles at the door, know that it is no longer an option in the urban area.

These days, although it is true that land use has diversified and coffee plantations in San José, Heredia and Cartago give space to real estate developments, choosing a place to live implies considering greater variables. One of the premises to reflect is how to get to workplaces, study centers on time, until you succumb to reaching the cinema. Likewise, an integral part of the quality of life is to feel patrimonial security in the breadth of the word. The healthy coexistence, an administration that solves the maintenance and increases the surplus value of the property, added to multiple credit facilities, are a conglomerate of sufficient reasons to choose to live in Condominium.

Condos in Costa Rica
Barrio Otoya and Amón in the 70s: today the houses that housed families are part of a commercial circuit of hotels, restaurants and other urban recreation spaces.

So, if living in a condominium promises to resolve aspects of privacy, security and is the new real estate boom, could it be said that acquiring a house or apartment in that regime is the ideal way to live? Would all people live comfortably in condominium? Do residential and residential developments not provide attractive options for living? To answer these and other questions, it is important to weigh that more evaluation is required to choose to have a specific lifestyle than simply the wonders of a family member or friend who lives in a condominium. It must be remembered that reality is one, but the perception of reality depends on the crystal with which one looks.

Before committing finances to the acquisition of a good that can be for a lifetime, an effort must be made to understand what it means to live in a condominium.

Considerations to consider before thinking about living in a condominium

Get to know the law that governs

He who does not know, is like he who does not see. In a country of law, those who know the legislation carry those of winning. Law 7933, regulator of condominium property dictates everything concerning the duties and rights of owners, governing bodies, administration functions and everything should be known about condominiums in Costa Rica. There is no reason to be scared or take an introductory class to the Law to make a quick reading of the law or the decree to the law. Arguing ignorance of the rights and especially of the duties acquired when buying a subsidiary farm can be more expensive than investing a few hours of reading.

The condominium regulation governs your and other’s lifestyle.

The law establishes the parameters, amplitudes and limits. The regulation of each condominium reflects the lines of action according to the law. Can you change a regulation? Yes, but it requires mechanisms that will be explained in another article. The most advisable thing is to examine carefully the compatibility of the lifestyle that is expected to have versus the regulations that must be followed. Overlooking a restriction can lead to giving up on a Sunday morning by washing the car or placing the preferred floor not supported on a balcony.

Watch out! Condo maintenance fees are not fixed.

When you read or hear that the condominium fee is a defined monthly amount for the coming years, you are taking advantage of ignorance. The truth is that the fees are intrinsically linked to the needs that the owners must cover. Useful, necessary improvements are established every year and unforeseen events are assessed in case of natural disasters. The budget and contingencies define the quota that all owners decide whether fixed or extraordinary. Examining the finances to buy and sustain the investment is a responsibility acquired when living in a condominium.

Common areas and assets are “common.”

Having recreational spaces and paying for their maintenance does not imply exclusive use, getting rid of rent payments, use restrictions or well-defined schedules. Knowing how to share and abide by the established regulations will make it worthwhile to have a swimming pool, event room, gym and the other amenities offered by the condominium.

Security is not 100% infallible.

The main advantage of living in a condominium is that access is restricted as this is a private property. This provides the possibility of hiring surveillance, placing cameras, hiring monitoring and other deployment of mechanisms to minimize the risk of assaults and robberies. However, the true but trite phrase “security is everyone’s business”, involves having protocols, having permanent supervision and that residents stay alert will make the difference between a secure condominium to another that raises the condominium assumption = Security .

Mine, yours and everyone’s.

Consider living in a community that has similar needs, preferences, tastes, values ​​and social lifestyles could avoid dissonances. Being aware of the dynamics, ways of relating, routines and age stages that you want to share with your neighbors could avoid conflicts and regrets.

Understanding how a condominium works before evaluating the possibility of purchase is the attitude of an intelligent buyer.

Being able to reside peacefully and increase the value of your investment for a lifetime or for resale can be achieved with comprehensive professional support coupled with the client’s own objective assessment.

In next NATIVU articles we will delve into the modalities of condominiums, their advantages and disadvantages depending on the lifestyle you want to enjoy …

Condo for sale in Santa Ana – Barcelona Condominium