In a competitive and dynamic market, it is important to develop skills that will contribute to a better work performance. Nowadays, professionals should have the ability to increase their growth opportunities through the improvement of social skills.

For a better understanding of its meaning and importance, you should know the difference between soft and hard skills, which are the ones you learned in a technical or academic way throughout life. For example: learning a new language, math and writing – however, they are not enough to stand out from others.

Aside from what was already mentioned, soft skills are the result from the combination of social and communication skills, way of being, etc. They allow you to develop assertive communication skills, from your personal to professional life.

Emotional intelligence, plays a massive roll in social skills development. This is the way you interact with the world, so it is very important. Motivation, self control, enthusiasm and empathy bring significant value to the professional profile of someone.

According to a Harvard University study in cooperation with The Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research, only 15% of job success, comes from technical skills and knowledge, and 85% comes from soft and people skills.

Top 5 skills in demand

  • Time management: good resource management is becoming increasingly important, therefore time management is very  necessary
  • Problem solving: this is one of the most important skills because it tests the capability of agile, creative and effective thinking
  • Adaptability: having the ability to suit in any situation, gives you a great competitive advantage
  • Oral communication: not only it is necessary for people to know what to do, but to know how share it with others with assertiveness
  • Team work: this gives the chance of better efficiency, increase motivation and stimulate creativity

Even though it is easier for some people to be social, not so much for others. This abilities, can be learned through time until you can put them to work. It is suggested to make a personality evaluation and see which skills are lacking and try to work on them. 

It is important to be a prepared professionals in all possible fields. Although we cannot ignore academic knowledge, these social skills are vital for competitiveness.

In NATIVU we believe in the personal and professional development of people. We value the importance not only of technical preparation, but also of personal growth and the contribution we can make through these tools.